Tuesday 28 October 2014

Halloween fun!

Hello there,

Just a quickie today.  I thought I'd share a bit of literacy fun we had in class today.

I had a Surprise Bag - filled with Halloween goodies from various $2 shops.  Here's what was in our bag:

First part of session we talked about describing words - students and staff gave a few examples with support which I wrote on the whiteboard.  To improve this session I could have had a few non Halloween items with similar textures to the "in the bag" bits - but I wasn't that organised today - next time though I will be - promise : )

Anyhow- I digress - the students then took it in turns to "be brave" and put their hand in the bag (no peeping) - they had to describe what they felt and pull an item out.  They loved it !!!

(Gosh - why didn't I brush my hair before this shot!)

We wrote sentences on the board to make a Predictable Chart -
e.g. Johnny found a hairy spider in the bag.
       Mary found a fluffy ghost in the bag.
       Harry found a scary witch in the bag.         etc.....

In this case the students had to write their name, the item they found in the bag and the adjective - or their best shot at it.  The rest of the sentence was written (ie filling in the blanks). (N.B.  I have a couple of students that use a "virtual pencil' - more on that in a future post).

This is a great link to more info on Predictable Chart Writing:

Predictable Chart Writing

We took photos of the students picking the item out of the bag.  We will use these photos and their sentences to make a Halloween book on this.

You could adapt this activity to any event, celebration, theme you wanted - Have fun!!

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