Saturday 11 October 2014

Repetition with variety - more

Hi all,

I spotted this information about letters and names on Facebook (thanks to Julie from Click Special Ed for posting):

letter/name activities

Links in with my previous post.  
I can say from experience that the students in my class love it when work relates to their name .  The motivation levels are high for these types of activities.

For the activity where students have individual letters to make up their name - I have the students who are working at this level do this activity every morning during morning circle. They now see it as part of the routine.    At first we started off with simple matching.  Then we progress students to make up their name without the example there.   We are also trying  leaving a couple of letters out - may be start with the first or last letters.  We also let the students try making their name up with no support.  I have taken a few photographs of their progress over time - definite progress!
I know how hard it is to fit everything into the day - a little activity like this can be done in a minute or two as part of the routine.  The students enjoy it.  We only do one of the variations per day so keep it short, sweet and focused.

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